Welcome to the Bands new Website.

“Welcome to our official new, exciting and updated website. “A BIG THANK YOU” goes out to our Webmaster Uwe in Germany for all his hard work and dedication, both past and present, also to Brian Wong in the U.S. for his additional contributions during this time and beyond.   During those twenty plus years there have been several upgrades but this is the biggest and best yet! We’ve added some new features that we hope you’ll all enjoy exploring like a lyrics page, a new look to our calendar, and, of course, our new YouTube page. Uwe in Germany and Linda in the U.S. have been working on pictures, and I have been working to bring things up to date and to do some tweaking as we go. I hope you enjoy looking around and keep your eyes open for new additions as we add things down the road. And, as always, we and the band look forward to seeing you all soon somewhere along the way.” 


Hi, It’s been a while since Iv’e had a chance to let you know what’s happening with the band. As lots of you may well know the bands tours to Germany in April/ May
and in the USA in June have been cancelled. All shows at home during April and May have also been cancelled. The Edinburgh Festival Fringe shows are gone and we await further news as to our shows in July / August.
These are hard times for the band but we are all healthy and that is by far more important. I am using my time to catch up with so many things I have not had the time to do. Work on the Compilation album to celebrate the bands forty years on the road (still to be named) is going well. I have also updated the bands YouTube
channel. login to youtube and search for North Sea Gas. Official. and go playlist.
I hope to be adding lots of videos over the coming months. Follow the rules and stay safe !! Dave.

Dave’s Diary

Added by: dave
on: 2019/09/11



Hi, it’s been a while since my last post. Sorry!!

I’m in America at the moment, first week of the Fall tour done. 5 more weeks to go. It’s been great so far.

Thought I would bring attention to the fact The the new album. Hearth & Homeland is now up on the webpage. It’s being well received and we have had great reviews. Give it a listen , go out and buy it, download if must !!

All the best