Tonight I am so happy tonight I am so gay
Me mothers got a rolly polly pudding on the way
I saw her put the currents in the suet and the fat
Tonight we’re having spotted dick what do you think of that
For I’m having a bit tonight I’m having a bit tonight
Me mother say’s I must be quick to get me bit of spotted Dick
I like me rolly Polly It fills me wi delight
I hav’ne had it since Easter but I’m having a bit tonight
nite nite nite diddle it tite tite
There is me uncle Billy and me auntie Nell
Then there is the girl nextdoor she likes a bit as well
Then there’s me old grandad he’s really very tough
Although he’s nearly ninety he’s a bugger for his Duff
Then there is me girl friend she is a lovely girl
Her hair is like the waving corn her teeth as white as pearl
There’s only one thing wrong with her she is’nt very fat
Tonight she’s getting spotted dick what do you think of that
Well me mothers rolly polly it is the very best
It really fills yer belly and puts hairs apon your chest
So if your feeling poorly or if your feeling sick
there’s nothing better for you than a bit so spotted dick