Birnie Boozle. (Trad)

Gin ye marry me Lassie
At the Kirk called Birnie Bouzle
Till the day ye die lassie
Ye will ne’er repent it

Ye will wear when ye are wed
A girdle and a Hieland plaid
High above a heather bed
Sae coutle and sae canty

Tho your tocher is but small
a hodden-grey will wear for tha’
I’ll save my siller tae mak’ ye braw
And Ye will ne’er repent it

Ye’ll hae bonnie bairn’s and a’ 
Some lassie’s fair and ladies braw
Like their mither yin and a’

Yer faither he’s consented

I’ll hunt the otter and the brock
The hart the hare the hearther-cock
And you alone will spay the rock
And mak’ ye dishes dainty

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